Additional Layouts from 2017

***3 Market -- ES, YM and NQ trading***
 12 charts -- A Daily + Session over a Tick + T-Mode for each market

Upper monitors 
Lower monitors 

***2 Market -- ES or NQ and YM trading***
 12 charts, 5 each -- Daily + Session over DOM, T&S, 2 Tick + T-Mode 
2 shorter, minute based time frames are displayed on M2 using Medved Trader 

***11 charts -- daily + Session for the ES, YM or NQ***
 over a 5 min, 1 min, 2 Tick charts and a T-Mode with T&S, DOM
M4 -- 5 minute + 1 minute 
M5 -- short term tick charts
M6 -- T-Mode, T&S and DOM

***12 charts -- daily + Session for the YM, ES and NQ***
 over a 15 min, 3 min, 2 Tick charts and 2 T-Mode with T&S, DOM
M1 -- YM daily chart and time based 30/60 min chart 
M4 -- time based 15 min and 3/5 min chart 
M5 -- tick based intermediate chart and shorter term chart
M6 -- short term tick based T-Mode charts with T&S and DOM
***12 charts -- Alternative ***
2 charts on each monitor and time frames are marked (per-bar)
***10 charts -- Alternative 2***
***8 charts -- Alternative 3 -- sometimes fewer charts can be better***