Hammering out a low
Hammers are reversal candlesticks. They print frequently and offer well defined entry and stop levels.
They form in all markets and on any time frame chart.
Combining them with other signals can help you decide whether or not to pull the trigger.
4/7/2017...bombs away
So - - - is this bullish?
A Hammer Harami on the daily and a SLINGSHOT on the 10 minute
Another combined with stochastic
Combined with a stochastic Continuation Sling
Combined with stochastic and histo Reverse Divergence
Hammer near the major market open
They can form in very active markets...
On the daily charts...
Hammers signaling reversals across the markets
*********************More Examples*********************
Hammer fail
Hammers do fail.
Back-to-back scalps :
Hammer at the major market opening :
Sideways market...In & out hammer scalp :
Hammers in a down trend :
Hammers in an up trend :