Combining indicator patterns  - MT SLING

           MACD EMA Trend (MT) with a Stochastic Slingshot (SLING) is a very simple pattern that prints all the time.

  Price action can show it as a Money on the floor pattern which is very often

 the 1st higher low of a new up trend. MOF's can be difficult to spot on their own, until after the fact

Using the MAC trend and stochastic indicators helps you anticipate potential MOFs..

 MT SLING on 2 time frames

MT SLING combinations that also include a 2B Dragon Price Action pattern


They confirm REVERSALS...whether you see them on long term or very short term charts. 
They are very reliable trade patterns that print on TIME based and TICK based charts...
These charts are from the same session. MT SLINGs print through-out the day, every day.